Operation Unite and KVMR 89.5 FM in Nevada City, California assembled the Republican Party, Democratic Party and Tea Party for a one and a half hour live broadcast round table focused on strategies for refilling the depleting Central Valley groundwater aquifers. The underlying focus of the round table was to discover the common community values that decisions are made by our political parties.

A Tea Party member made a very insightful statement. If our level of responsibility to one another was greater, we wouldn’t experience government taking over our lives. Everyone needs to be more engaged in problem solving. Empowerment of individuals will result in more self-sufficiency.

Republicans and Democrats, alike, agreed that reliable, sustainable and safe water supplies are our mutual goal. This can only be accomplished with fairness across the state. Republicans weigh in through accountability and Democrats rely on science and a holistic perspective.

All participants agreed that property rights are a consideration however fairness in its application is key to good decision making.

Due to the uncertainty of water forecasting and other unknowns, Republicans believe pro-active actions will narrow the gap between the painful consequences of water crisis and the outcomes that we embrace. Of course, the devil’s in the detail.