The American Groundwater Trust came to Stockton, California to educate groundwater users in the Central Valley on protecting the integrity of their wells through effective maintenance of old and new wells. Important stuff considering the cost of a new well can easily exceed a million dollars.
Longevity of a healthy well starts with its design criteria and construction. Once it is built, the well must be developed. Well development is an often under achieved step in maximizing a well’s ability to pump clean, clear and abundant groundwater at the least cost. Equally valuable is the commitment to complete a time-based maintenance approach instead of a “let’s wait until our well barely pumps an adequate discharge rate”.
The mantra that I repeatedly heard was, “Complete maintenance on your well at a frequency that removes incrustation, biofilm and siltation before it has time to harden.” The return on investment will be easily demonstrated in your pocket book when you see your electricity bill reduced and your pump living all nine of its lives.