Water has a big job to do in California. Its’ benefits are needed from the headwaters of California’s watersheds to the lowest regions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, bays and the Salton Sea. Make no mistake; each segment of water’s travel sustains life in many forms and through many processes.
Enduring time periods of limited water availability and degraded water quality are overcome when our leaders work together and the public participates in the process. This year’s presidential election is an example of the importance in public participation. Build on your water knowledge, share opinion and information, be transparent and honest and make decisions that honor personal and community needs for people and our natural resources. Water underlies the abundant physical successes that Americans have built into their lives.
Whether you resonate with Hillary for America, Feeling the Bern or simply know that this is huuuuuge and want to Make America Great Again, pass the word and get out and vote on June 7, 2016.