Many people contributed to the vision of Operation Unite®:
Pat Mulroy, Former general manager for the Southern Nevada Water Authority; “Let the Data Drive.”
Felicia Marcus, Chair of State Water Resources Control Board; “It requires reflection, intention, and actions. It requires intellect, but it also requires insight. And it requires heart and compassion and empathy, including empathy for each other in addition to our beloved Stakeholders and species.”
John Laird, Secretary of Natural Resources; “Lead by attracting people to follow.”
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, “Choose projects that move the most water the least distance.”
Dennis Bowker, RCD Resource Conservationist, “When we talk about natural resources and social issues, the closer you can get to what is said to what is heard to be the same, the more effectively you will be to deal with disagreements and differences, and you come to the point where you realize you had the right answer but that doesn’t mean you have the whole answer. Others viewpoints and perspectives can help develop the whole answer.”
Phil Isenberg, former Chair California Delta Stewardship Council, “People didn’t intentionally go out and kill fish species. Societies learn lessons slowly. How you remedy, how extensible you can remedy them and which ways, that’s really what we should be talking about.”
Joe L. Del Bosque, Jr., Del Bosque Farms & California Water Commission; “Lack of water will wipe out our people. I look at this as a family approach, you might say. If I were to look at a backup plan, I would maintain jobs for our people.”
Andrew Stone, American Groundwater Trust; “Groundwater sustainability must be seen in the context of our future.”
Ron Milligan, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Operations Manager Central Valley Operations; “Use all the flexibility that we can to respect contractual rights even though they may be junior to someone else’s water right. I need to get multiple uses out of a single acre-foot of water.”
and the list goes on......
Operation Unite® builds public responsibility by listening, questioning, discovering, understanding, sharing and applying.