Water supplies are much more obtainable and sustainable if we consider our water source in a larger area of availability. Share and consider your neighbors and yourself as the stewards and consumers of the water supply. This can develop into the dependable supply that all of us need. Mr. Rogers was right…. Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life.
Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world. Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.
Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems
Operation Unite®; stevebaker@operationunite.co; 530-263-1007