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115 The Value of Information

115 The Value of Information

Montana citizens depend on groundwater and many times question if this resource is being threatened because of drought or overuse. It was the Montana legislature that recognized groundwater information as key to dealing with these kinds of conditions. Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life. 

Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world.  Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.  

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems 

Operation Unite®;; 530-263-1007 

193 A New Risk on the Horizon

193 A New Risk on the Horizon

Changes in the environment and our lives are constantly occurring. Sometimes very quickly and other times quite slow. In the environmental, quick changes can quickly exceed the adaptive capacity of the ecosystem. Mankind living in the fast lane finds itself in a rapidly changing environment.  How does the banking industry handle change in the lending world and what about water associated risk?  Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life.


Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world.  Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems

Operation Unite®;; 530-263-1007

197 The Crown of the Continent

197 The Crown of the Continent

Glacier National Park is rich in water. It’s where you find a triple continental divide. Hudson, Hudson Bay, the Atlantic and the Pacific are the ultimate destinations for Glacial National Park source water. Wild, beautiful and alive. Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life.

 Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world.  Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems

Operation Unite®;; 530-263-1007

115 The Value of Information

115 The Value of Information

We have known that measuring rain events and stream flows need to be measured at the same scale. Now the importance in collecting groundwater data is also recognized as requiring the same level of attention. Montana has a groundwater assessment program that has raised the bar on building a database that is accessible to the water using public. Drought is always a concern in Montana so data of this sort is valuable for all groundwater users, water purveyors and rural residential well owners. Water levels of today are not the water levels of tomorrow. We need to make good water decisions all the time. Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life.

Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world.  Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems

Operation Unite®;; 530-263-1007

147 Conjunctive Use

147 Conjunctive Use

California isn’t the only state that is creating water strategies that marry surface water with groundwater supplies. One strategy is called conjunctive use and it really helps us optimize the presence of water for us humans and the environment. Mary Saxton, former Director of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, uses the conjunctive use approach to process permits for the state. Water that is used from one resource during one time of year can then be augmented by replenishing extracted water from another resource that is connected to the same hydrologic system during another time of year. In the end, a city may receive its water for drinking that used to be used to grow food on a nearby farm. It’s a zero-sum game. Listen up. Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing brings you another water relationship that has a personally significant impact to your life.

Stephen J. Baker, producer of Operation Unite’s Living Water® radio series, “Water is a Many Splendor’ed Thing”, has completed 258 episodes from around the world since 2006. Each story is a real circumstance of one water relationship that exists in the world.  Contact Operation Unite® if you would like your organization’s water relationship to be shared with the masses.

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems

Operation Unite®;; 530-263-1007