A most difficult situation is when a circumstance threatens your very home and employment. It doesn’t matter what level of society you live, consequences occur in people’s lives when diminished water supplies impact your communities. Operation Unite® shares with you today two very polarized groups that have something to lose. The interview with Joe Del Bosque of Del Bosque Farms was completed at a time in 2009 when federal environmental regulations at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta gave priority to the endangered species present in the Delta ecosystem. Other beneficial uses got their share of water if there was any water left. Guess what, there wasn’t very much water left. This caused farmers, like Joe in the Central Valley (south of the Delta), to panic as water curtailments took place.
Concerns of communities living in the Delta felt the increase in Delta water diversions that began in the early 1970s had created a cumulative unhealthy impact as the years moved forward. Salmon and other pelagic fish were being harmed. The endangered species that got all the attention in 2009 was the Delta Smelt. Listen to these two very respected groups and individuals and recognize their balanced and sincere concerns.